News & Media

Jun. 13, 2019

NAIT research projects receive almost $3 million in NSERC funding

Boreal forest reclamation, oil sands tailings management and sensors for wireless technology among the projects funded by federal agency.

May. 03, 2019

Defining the future of Canadian competitiveness: How partnerships between industry and educational institutions can help lead the way forward

Canada possesses all the building blocks required to be a competitive nation, however, it continues to fall behind competitors in terms of productivity and innovation.

Apr. 25, 2019

New NAIT applied research centre will help spark clean technology for electric power industry

Centre for Grid Innovation receives almost $2 million in federal funding.

Apr. 17, 2019

NAIT research partnership aims for a construction future that's waste-free

Edmonton polytechnic teams up with industry to make Canada a leader in eliminating construction waste.

Researchers partner with Métis community on land reclamation solutions

Apr. 02, 2019

The Centre for Boreal Research has partnered with an environmental engineering group to collect seeds from native plants and reintroduce them to areas around depleted oil and gas sites.

Against the grain: How researchers are transforming Alberta oats into tasty, innovative products

Oat products fit health-conscious and gluten-free, vegan diets.

Edmonton entrepreneur seeks to help solve energy poverty

‘Grengine’ will provide clean, inexpensive, off-grid electricity

NAIT set to open new Centre for Culinary Innovation

NAIT's Centre for Culinary Innovation focuses on our long-standing expertise in culinary arts with an aim to build our culinary reputation and expertise.

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Nov. 15, 2018

NAIT’s new Productivity and Innovation Centre opens for business

Hundreds of business leaders tour NAIT’s “front door to industry” at grand opening

Oct. 25, 2018

Drop by Drop

How NAIT followed the blood to find new efficiencies for Alberta Health

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