The Centre for Boreal Research has partnered with an environmental engineering group to collect seeds from native plants and reintroduce them to areas around depleted oil and gas sites.
Oat products fit health-conscious and gluten-free, vegan diets.
‘Grengine’ will provide clean, inexpensive, off-grid electricity
NAIT's Centre for Culinary Innovation focuses on our long-standing expertise in culinary arts with an aim to build our culinary reputation and expertise.
Hundreds of business leaders tour NAIT’s “front door to industry” at grand opening
How NAIT followed the blood to find new efficiencies for Alberta Health
NAIT experts are developing a road construction and maintenance program in a remote part of Uganda, training teachers and students to support the country’s industry.
Our researchers will help Alberta science and industry innovators develop and test low-carbon energy solutions with a new microgrid research facility
Distributed Energy Management Initiative launches with $2 million from provincial government
One of North America's largest innovation spaces, the new building helps organizations become more competitive through business and product innovations, technology adoption and applied research.