Oil Sands Tailings 101

Various stages of oil sands tailings applied research at NAIT’s Technology Access Centre for Oil Sands Sustainability

Course overview

In the first part of the course, we will explore the current state of oil sands tailings management, the fundamentals of the processes in controlling the formation of fluid fine tailings, and the basic technologies used. In the second half of the course, we will study the test methods used to evaluate new technologies and the importance of robustness testing. 

Upon successful completion of this course, you will understand the complexities of solid-liquid separation in tailings management, including a range of separation methods and tests to measure their effectiveness. 

"A concise and industry-relevant overview"

“The Oil Sands Tailings 101 course offered by NAIT provides a concise and industry-relevant overview on the treatment and resulting minerology of Oil Sands tailings deposits in the Wood Buffalo region. I think professionals in the geological or geotechnical field may find this course useful thanks to instructors that provide an insight towards the research and development behind treated tailings facilities and answer questions related to why managing and studying the minerology of such deposits is important, industry wide, and over a long-term.”

Ussama Bin Ajmal
Project Coordinator, Mikisew Conetec 

Register for the upcoming course.

Feb. 04 – Feb. 05 Event

Oil Sands Tailings 101

Learn from industry-experts in this two-day course and get an in-depth look into oil sands tailings management.

  • 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
  • Online or In-Person