

  • Requisites: Prerequisite: [HRMT1101, MATH1180] or [HRMT1101 and FNCE1125] or [HRMT1101 and HRM-P2] or [HRMT1101 and COOP-HRMP2].
  • Course Equivalencies: HRMT328
  • Open Studies: Available
  • Credits: 3.00

Employees expect fair compensation for the work they perform for their employer. Students will leave the course with a basic understanding of the conceptual and practical aspects of allocating financial rewards to employees. They will learn about different paymodels, aligning compensation with the organizational goals and the external pressures on compensation. Specifically, the subjects of job analysis, job evaluation, wage and salary structures, and types of compensation plans will be addressed as well as issues in compensation.

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Upcoming Sessions

Class Section Dates
31744 O01 May. 05 - Aug. 15, 2025
Delivery Status
Online Full

Notes: All of your course activity is done online and there is no requirement to be on campus.
Some of your coursework will be scheduled for certain dates and times and you will also have some flexibility in determining when to do your coursework.
There is a blend of instructor teaching and student self-directed activity.
A waitlist is available for this section. Students may be auto-enroled from the waitlist if (1) space becomes available before the last date/time to enrol, and (2) that they currently satisfy all requirements for enrolment. Being on the waitlist does not guarantee enrolment in the section
No deliverables on holidays.