7. Use pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to promote your business to your ideal customer
When building and promoting your business, a little money can go a long way with pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. As the name suggests, PPC refers to an advertising model where you pay a fee every time your ad is clicked.
The most typical PPC advertising takes place on Google, where you bid on popular keywords in the hopes that your ad will appear at the very top of the search engine results page (SERP). The benefit of PPC is you can get pretty granular with your targeting demographics and can bid on keywords that show strong levels of buyer intent.
For example, someone who searches in Google for “personal training” might be browsing for trainers or looking to become a trainer or might just want to work on their own fitness. Whereas someone searching “personal trainers edmonton” or “personal trainers near me” is clearly in the market to find a trainer. Those phrases show a clearer buyer intent, making those phrases more valuable for you to bid on.
There are other types of paid advertising which have fee models that differ slightly from PPC based on the goals or metrics of your ads. Some charge for impressions (or how often your ad is seen), for every 1000 views or clicks, or for placement. Each model has its best use case depending on your customer’s journey.
Other types of paid advertising can include:
- Boosted or sponsored social media posts
- Video or display ads that run before, during, or after YouTube videos
- Audio ads on streaming platforms like Spotify and Soundcloud
- Print or digital ads in industry publications or newsletters, and more.
It's best to experiment with different platforms and see how your audience engages. Once you find the right fit, you can invest more time and money in a partifular tactic or platform.
Want to get better at PPC in 9 hours? Try the Paid Search course today!