Before a LOA is Issued

ESL Students


  • Spring 2024: May 6 to August 15, 2024 (online application closes Monday, May 1, 2024)
  • Fall 2024: September 3 to December 12, 2024 (online application closes Friday, September 20, 2024) 

To register after the online application closes, contact

  1. Ask the applicant to share their study plans in Canada with you. NAIT does not issue PALs for ESL students so please ensure students taking our in-person classes have the visa status required to study in Canada.
  2. Review the ESL program structure and course/level offerings with the applicant.
  3. Ask the applicant to complete page one of the Confirmation of a Recruited Student form (pdf) and to give you a copy of their passport.
  4. Include the applicant passport with page two of the Confirmation of a Recruited Student form (pdf), and save a copy of the form *You will leave the NAIT ID section blank.
  5. Set up their MyNAIT Portal. Students must use their personal email address on their Portal. Their NAIT Student ID number will be issued once it's complete.
  6. Apply online
    • ​​A CAD$1,000 non-refundable tuition deposit with a credit card. Applicants will have 72 hours to make the payment in order for the application to be complete.
    • How to Apply and Enrol to ESL

  7. Book an ESL placement test online (after the application). If the date needs to be changed later, contact or call 1.780.471.7499
  8. Upload the Complete Confirmation Form (page 1 and passport copy) to the applicant's MyNAIT Portal immediately.

Important Documents (ESL)

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