Published on April 06, 2018
Donations needed to remedy shortage of dog blood across Canada
EDMONTON – NAIT’s animal blood bank is helping to save the lives of dogs across the country by hosting a canine blood drive this Saturday.
NAIT is one of three satellite collections sites in Edmonton for the Canadian Animal Blood Bank, the Winnipeg-based centre that supplies more than 60 units of blood to vet clinics each week. These donations help save the lives of dogs who need surgery or are being treated for trauma or disease. Each week, the blood bank is consistently short of canine blood.
Donor dogs must be between the ages of one and eight, be healthy and even-tempered, weigh 25 kg or more and have up-to-date vaccinations. Dogs accepted into the program can donate every three months. NAIT hosts clinics regularly throughout the year.
Dogs don’t need to be sedated to donate. They donation itself takes only 3 to 4 minutes, and the entire appointment lasts about 30 minutes. New donors must have a registration form filled out by their vet before donating.
Media are invited to attend the blood drive and interview dog owners and NAIT’s senior veterinarian.
Saturday, April 7, 2018
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (the first appointment is at 8:30 a.m.; the last is at 3:30 p.m.)
NAIT Main Campus
Room X100 - Animal Health Clinic (Located in X Wing)
11762 106 St. NW
Edmonton, AB
Dog donors and their owners
Dr. Elaine Degrandpre, NAIT’s senior veterinary medical officer
NAIT Animal Health Technology students
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NAIT animal blood bank looking for new donor dogs
Donations needed to remedy shortage of dog blood across Canada
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