Partnership with Alberta Beverage Container Recycling Corporation aims to of enhancing sustainability and Alberta’s circular economy
The polytechnic’s largest recruitment event takes place on Saturday, October 28
Network to support innovation and commercialization of 5G-enabled technologies; serve as training bed for students and industry members
Funding allows more apprentices to pursue education during the 2023/24 academic year
Newly installed flagpole plaza acknowledges Indigenous culture and signifies diversity and inclusion on campus
Equipment, software and more will help remove barriers to learning and encourage independence
$300,000 from Natural Resources Canada will support the creation of online training
NAIT’s 2023 Convocation marks an important milestone for 3,709 graduates
NAIT staff and students join non-profit Light Up the World to bring power and wireless internet to Peruvian schools located high in the Andes
Three outstanding individuals will receive the polytechnic’s highest honour in the form of honorary degrees from NAIT on June 26 and 27
The free event will gather a diverse range of participants looking to broaden their knowledge of accessibility and inclusion
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NAIT in the News contains a listing of notable news items highlighting staff experts, students, alumni, and the polytechnic in local, national and international media.
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