Course Overview
The Incident Commander and the Command Staff are essential roles in incident response. Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to describe the roles and responsibilities of the Command Staff.
Under the Incident Command System (ICS), the Incident Commander is ultimately accountable for the response. The Command Staff are specifically designated, report directly to the Incident Commander, and are assigned responsibility for key activities that are not a part of the General Staff functional elements. Participants of this course will be able to identify the roles and responsibilities of the Incident Commander and the three Command Staff positions in ICS: Information Officer, Safety Officer, and Liaison Officer.
Upon successful completion of this interactive two-day course you will be able to describe the organizations that make up the Command Staff Sections and recount the processes and mechanisms Command uses to support both the incident site and the ECC.
It is recommended that you complete I-200 prior to taking this course.