WCB micro-credentials

Helping verify your knowledge!

With a shared goal of helping you find a rewarding career path, WCB and NAIT are proud to offer micro-credentials through either direct-assessments or courses.

This program is designed to help workers with WCB claims re-enter the workforce. Through this program, workers can receive a micro-credential for an existing skill and employers can use this information to better align the worker's knowledge with potential jobs. 

WCB understands that a permanent disability can have major impacts on an economic and personal level. Micro-credentials earned through direct-assessments or courses can be used to help workers and employers gain confidence in finding matches between skills and available jobs. 

WCB is committed to helping you meet the challenges of shifting and reentering the labour market! 

Sign up for a NAIT student account to get started 

Next Steps

infographic showing the steps for a WCB direct credential assessment
Workers Compensation Board Alberta logo

If you're here, you're on your way to having existing knowledge recognized! Whether acquired through work experience, formal education or self-learning, skills that have not been officially recognized by an accredited post-secondary institution can now be demonstrated to earn a micro-credential. 

Unlike traditional micro-credentials earned by completing courses, direct-assessments offer micro-credentials earned through a formal NAIT assessment without requiring coursework. The direct-assessment path can be used to validate your existing skills through NAIT's trusted method of assessing competencies. 

Individuals may gauge their knowledge through pre-assessments and receive recommendations on whether to choose a course or direct-assessment path. 

Information on individual pre-assessments is outlined below. If you have issues navigating the process or require technical assistance, please reach out to your Case Manager or Employment Specialist. 

Contact WCB


Before challenging the examination to receive a micro-credential, students may complete a number of the listed pre-assessments, then report to their employer and discuss next steps for registration. The pre-assessment will provide a recommendation to either take a direct-assessment or a course. Your WCB employment specialist will support you in registering for either option. 

In preparation for pre-assessments, have your WCB claim # and Employment Specialist email on hand. 

To register for a direct-assessment, you'll need a NAIT ID! 

Sign up for a NAIT student account

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