Student Life  

Health Services


Health Services is a team of healthcare professionals and support staff that strive to provide friendly, accessible services to the NAIT community. Our goal is to provide excellence in care and to promote a safe, healthy learning and working environment.

Services available at Main Campus (Room S105):

  • First aid for injuries including dressing applications, steri-strips, tensor bandages, and ice packs.
  • Incident reporting and Workers’ Compensation Board reporting for occupational injuries that occur at NAIT or during a WIL Placement.
  • Students and apprentices are covered by WCB for work-related incidents.
  • All first aid and injuries must be reported to Health Services within 24 hours through:
  • Urgent care for medical emergencies including chest pain, shortness of breath or allergic reactions.
  •  First aid for mental health emergencies.
  • Vital signs assessment if feeling faint or dizzy.
  • Immunization record review for students in the School of Health and Life Sciences and Biological Sciences programs.

Students at Patricia Campus and Souch Campus can obtain first aid treatment through first aid certified instructors and on-site NAIT Protective Services. They can also contact a Health Services nurse by calling 780.471.8733.

Please note you will have to see a physician if you require any of the following: a prescription, medical note, blood work requisition, chest x-ray requisition, or diagnosis of a medical condition.

Log in to MyNAIT to view all services 

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