Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
SDS’s are maintained for all business unit areas utilizing the online SDS/Chemical Management database. The application provides an inventory of SDSs that is accessible to the NAIT community, Protective Services, and first responders.
SDS/Chemical Management Mobile App

The NAIT eBinder can be accessed by downloading the app. Please follow these steps:
- Find and download the app in either the App Store or Google Play.
- Select 'log in with username and password'. You will be prompted to enter your VelocityEHS Domain which is 'nait', and your username and password.
- If you are a SDS Manager for your area and need access contact
- If you don't have an account, select 'don't have user name or password' and select 'Scan QR Code' and use the QR code below to access the eBinder.
- Once logged in, search the eBinder for the SDS by product name or filter by location (room number).

SDS Poster
For convenient access to SDSs in your area, consider posting the SDS poster in a visible location within your laboratory, shop or space.