President's Society Members

NAIT gratefully acknowledges our key annual supporters

Graham & Lorraine Adamson
Elaine Betchinski
Brenda & Cyril Binette
Anthony Bishop
Michelle & Mark Bootsman
Erika Bottcher
Richard Bremner
Jim and Sharon Brown
Cliff Cameron
Ian Campbell
Martin Cardy
Clarence M. Christensen
Joyce Clark
Stewart Cook
Jen Crothers
Graham Cunningham
Gordon Dennis
Jim Dobie
Roger, Joan, Tyler Dootson and Ceilidh Whelan
George & Sherry Elder
Henry Federici
Mary Ford
Jack Forfylow
Susanne Frolek
Teagan Gahler & Jesse Bowdige
Alice Gaydar
Mike & Betty Gibbins
Sabrina Giordano
April & Clark Grindheim

Darcy & Sherry Grykuliak
Laura Jo Gunter
Mona Hansen
Linda Harris
Linda (Aboughoche) Haymour
Chad & Christina Herbers
Hesje Family
Bob & Wendy Hiew
Diane, Breanna & Brendon Ho
John & Susan Hokanson
Carrie Hotton-MacDonald
Ellen Hughes
Rob & Mieke Jennings
Yasmin & Nadir Jivraj
Ron & Cheryle Kachman
Heather Kaminsky
Robyn Khunkun & Susheel Thomas
Walter Kiriak
Susan Knoop
Priti Laderoute
Susan Lauder
David Lazaruk
Rick Lee
Matthew Lindberg
Maggie MacDonald
Craig Mackenzie
Wendy Marusin
Mawji Family

VKeven McGhan
Tyler McKay
William J. (Jack) Milner
Dawna Moen
Orest & Sonja Myroon
Neeson Court Reporting
Carol & Terry Parsons
Catherine Poon
Kurt Popadynetz
Janet M. Riopel
Melanie Rogers
Arnold Rumbold
Colin Ruthven
Evelyn Schwabe
Scruggs Family
Dr. Sam & Claudia Shaw
Dennis Sheppard
Angela Skuba & Sami Haji
Jesse Skwaruk
Linda Sutherland
Chantelle Svensen-Lewis & Sean Lewis
Jollette Thompson
Sandy Timmer
Ron Turgeon
Robert Van Soest
Vinod Varshney
Daniel Wai Yuk Yeung
Ryan & Michelle Young

Recognition represents contributions up to March 31, 2023. We carefully review the above donor listing for accuracy; however, errors and omissions infrequently occur. Please  contact us  regarding corrections.

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Sandvik Coromant Student Awards

Thanks to a generous gift from Sandvik Coromant, 12 students in Machinist Technology received financial support in their studies. Meet the students and hear what this gift means to them!

PCL award winners celebrated

Congratulations to 16 NAIT students on receiving PCL Century of Construction Excellence awards for their academic success. Thank you to PCL Construction for supporting NAIT students.

Mar. 03, 2022

TD Bank Group supports aspiring NAIT entrepreneurs to move their ideas forward

TD Bank provides more NAIT students with the opportunity to seek guidance and mentorship to turn their innovative ideas into successful businesses