Published on January 31, 2019
Alumni Award of Distinction ’98, Board of Governors 2010 – present
Just as Mark Ohe was taking a lead role in the family mechanical business in 1991, a backfiring airplane propeller smashed his leg. Less than four years later, he ran a marathon and raised $10,000 for the Rainbow Society of Alberta to help grant the wishes of kids with chronic illnesses.
Ohe’s blend of grit and generosity has also served environmental, social and health-care groups. He traces his attitude back to his father, Gateway Mechanical Services founder Bill Ohe, who always told his kids, “Giving needs to be part of your life,” recalls Ohe.
“Not just money, but your time and energy.”
Now one of Western Canada’s leading mechanical service companies, Gateway’s corporate generosity helped build the NAIT Gateway Mechanical Services Centre for Building Environment Technology, which is teaching the next generation how to optimize building environments.
— Cheryl Mahaffy