Published on January 31, 2019
Mike Anderson brought a whole new buzz to campus life, creating events that became the stuff of memories.
As a student, his zany antics made him top choice as Ook mascot; Ookfest, which he launched as a NAIT Students’ Association (NAITSA) vice president, grew into one of North America’s top campus parties during his nine years as NAITSA entertainment and marketing manager.
“I love entertaining people,” he says.
Anderson parlayed that passion into a career with the launch of Trixstar Productions. Quickly becoming a go-to firm for celebrity events, its list of big snags has included UFC’s Forrest Griffin and William Shatner of Star Trek. The Little Brother Anderson mentored for a decade now wants to follow in his footsteps, and no wonder. Not every little brother enjoys backstage access to the likes of Ookfest veterans Nickelback.
— Cheryl Mahaffy
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Michael Anderson
Business Administration – Marketing ’98, Business Administration – Management ’99
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