Full-time Course Load

How many credits do I need to be a full-time student at NAIT? 

You are considered a full-time student when you are enrolled in at least 60% of a full course load per term.

To determine the minimum number of credits you require to be considered a full-time student for your program, please refer to the table below. If your credits per term are equivalent to or greater than those listed in the table, you will be considered a full-time student.

  • Prior to Spring 2021, a student was  considered full-time if they were enrolled in at least 9 credits (eg. three 3-credit courses). If you were considered a full-time student for previous semesters, your status for these semesters will not change.

For spring and summer terms, please note that NAIT’s definition of a full-time student may not be the same as student aid.

Programs with additional credit requirements or other programs

Co-op, work placement or clinical 

If you are enrolled in a co-op/work placement or clinical, your required number of credits may differ from the below.  You will be considered a full-time student if your work placement is 35 hours per week or more. 

If you require a letter confirming your status as a full-time student, you can request a customized Confirmation of Enrollment letter using the online Contact Form. Select topic: Academic Records, subcategory Confirmation of Enrolment

Continuing Education Programs

To be considered a full-time student for continuing education programs, including all International Professional Development Certificates (IPDCs), you must have a minimum of 135 instructional hours per term.

Students in English as a Second Language (ESL) classes must enrol in 2 classes to be considered full-time by NAIT and in 3 classes to be considered full-time for Foundational Learning Assistance funding.

Students with provisional admission

Business Administration students with provisional admission to the program must enrol in 3 business classes or 2 English as a Second Language (ESL) classes to be considered full-time.

Verifying your NAIT full-time status

You can use your Confirmation of Enrolment in MyNAIT to verify your full-time status for each term. Go to your MyNAIT portal:

  • Select Open Self Service
  • Choose Manage classes tile
  • Select Confirmation of Enrolment

Students with disability grant funding

If you are applying for disability grant funding and have been approved to take a reduced credit load (RCL), which is equivalent to 40% of a full course load per term, please refer to the following table for the minimum number of credits required for your program to be considered a full-time student at NAIT with approved RCL.

For more information on disability grant funding, please book an appointment with a Learning Advisor.

*Reduced credit loads (RCL) may be subject to change.
Program Fall/Winter:
Minimum credits required per term 
(RCL use only)
Minimum credits required per term 
(RCL use only)
Advanced Care Paramedic 7 3.5
Advanced Carpentry Technology 6 3
Advanced Plumbing Technology 6 3
Advanced Welding Technology 6 3
Alternative Energy Technology 7 3.5
Applied Financial Services 6 3
Architectural Technology 7 3.5
Architectural Technology Co-op 7 3.5
Automotive Service Technology 6 3
Bach Appl Information Systems 6 3
Bachelor of Technology in Construction Management 6 3
Bachelor of Business Administration 6 3
Bachelor of Technology in Management 6 3
Bachelor of Technology in Management Co-op 6 7.5
Baking and Pastry Arts 6 3
Biological Sciences 6 3
Biomedical Engineering Technology Co-op 7 3.5
Biomedical Engineering Technology 7 3.5
Building Enviro Systems Technology 6 3
Business Administration 6 3
Captioning and Court Reporting 6 3
Chemical Engineering Technology 7 3.5
Chemical Technology 6 3
Chemical Technology Co-Op 6 3
Civil Engineering Tech Co-op 7 3.5
Civil Engineering Technology 7 3.5
CNC Machinist Technician 6 3
Computer Engineer Tech Co-op 7 3.5
Computer Engineering Tech 7 3.5
Computer Network Administrator 6 3
Conservation Biology 7 3.5
Conservation Biology Co-op 7 3.5
Construction Eng Tech Co-op 7 3.5
Construction Engineering Tech 7 3.5
Court Transcription 6 3
Culinary Arts 6 3
Cybersecurity 6 3
Data Analytics 6 3
Dental Assisting 6 3
Dental Technology 7 3.5
Denturist Technology 7 3.5
Diagnostic Medical Sonography - General and Cardiac 7 3.5
Diagnostic Medical Sonography - General 7 3.5
Digital Design 6 3
Digital Design Co-op 6 3
Digital Media and IT 7 3.5
Digital Media and IT Co-op 7 3.5
Disaster and Emergency Management Co-op 6 3
Disaster and Emergency Management 6 3
Electrical Engineering Technology 7 3.5
Electrical Installations Technology 6 3
Electronics Eng Tech Co-op 7 3.5
Electronics Engineering Technology 7 3.5
Engineering Design Technology 7 3.5
Enviro Monitor & Assess Co-op 7 3.5
Environmental Monitoring & Assessment 7 3.5
Forest Technology 7 3.5
Forest Technology Co-op 7 3.5
Geoscience Technology 7 3.5
Geoscience Technology Co-op 7 3.5
Graphic Communications 6 3
Hospitality Management 6 3
Hospitality Management Co-op 6 3
HVAC Refrigeration Technician 6 3
Industrial Heavy Equipment 7 3.5
Instrumentation Engineering Technology 7 3.5
Instrumentation Engineering Technology Co-op 7 3.5
Interior Design Technology 7 3.5
IT Business Analysis 6 3
IT Business Analysis Co-op 6 3
IT Systems Administration 6 3
IT Systems Administration Co-op 6 3
Lab & X-Ray Technology Combined 6 3
Lab Research & Biotechnology Co-op 6 3
Laboratory Research & Biotechnology 6 3
Landscape Architectural Technology 7 3.5
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1st Discipline  6 3
Materials Engineering Technology 7 3.5
Mechanical Engineering Technology 7 3.5
Medical  Laboratory Technology 7 3.5
Medical Laboratory Assisting 7 3.5
Medical Radiologic Technology 6 3
Millwork and Carpentry 6 3
Nanosystems Engineering Technology 6 3
Narrative Cinema Production 6 3
Narrative Cinema Production Co-op 6 3
Network Engineering Tech Co-op 7 3.5
Network Engineering Technology 7 3.5
Occupational Health and Safety 7 3.5
Open Studies 6 3
Optical  Sciences Eyeglasses 6 3
Optical Sciences Contact Lense 8 4
Personal Fitness Trainer 6 3
Petroleum Engineering Technology 7 3.5
Photographic Technology 7 3.5
Power Engineering Technology 7 3.5
Pre-Employment Auto Body Repair 6 3
Professional Meat Cutting 7 3.5
Radio and Television 7 3.5
Respiratory Therapy 6 3
Software Development 6 3
Software Development Co-op 6 3

Surveying and Geospatial Engineering Technology

7 3.5
Veterinary Technology 7 3.5
Veterinary Medical Assistant 6 3
Water & Wastewater Technician 6 3
Wireless Systems Engineering Technology 7 3.5

Full-time course load requirements by program

Use the table below to check the number of credits you will need to take each academic term to be considered a full-time student at NAIT.

*credit loads may be subject to change; refer to this page for the latest current credit load information.


Fall & Winter:
Minimum credits required per term

Spring & Summer:
Minimum credits required per term

Academic Upgrading 9 4.5
Advanced Care Paramedic 9 4.5
Advanced Carpentry Technology 9 4.5
Advanced Plumbing Technology 9 4.5
Advanced Welding 9 4.5
Alternative Energy Technology 10.5 5
Applied Financial Services 9 4.5
Architectural Technology 10.5 5
Automotive Service Technology 9 4.5
Bachelor of Applied Information Systems Technology 9 4.5
Bachelor of Business Administration 9 4.5
Bachelor of Technology in Management 9 4.5
Bachelor of Technology in Management Co-op 9 4.5
Bachelor of Technology in Construction Management 9 4.5
Baking and Pastry Arts 9 4.5
Biological Sciences Technology 9 4.5
Biomedical Engineering Technology 10.5 5
Biomedical Engineering Technology Co-op 10.5 5
Building Environmental Systems Technology 9 4.5
Business Administration** 9 4.5
Captioning and Court Reporting 9 4.5
Chemical Engineering Technology* 10.5 5
Chemical Technology 9 4.5
Chemical Technology Co-op 9 4.5
Civil Engineering Technology 10.5 5
Civil Engineering Technology Co-op 10.5 5
CNC Machinist Technician 9 4.5
Computer Engineering Technology 10.5 5
Computer Engineering Technology Co-op 10.5 5
Computer Network Administrator 9 4.5
Conservation Biology
(previously a Biological Sciences specialization)
10.5 5
Conservation Biology Co-op 10.5 5
Construction Engineering Technology 10.5 5
Court Transcription 9 4.5
Culinary Arts 9 4.5
Cybersecurity 9 4.5
Data Analytics 9 4.5
Dental Assisting 9 4.5
Dental Assisting Technology 10.5 5
Dental Technology 10.5 5
Denturist Technology* 10.5 5
Diagnostic Medical Sonography 10.5 5
Digital Design 9 4.5
Digital Design Co-op 9 4.5
Digital Media and IT 10.5 5
Digital Media and IT Co-op 10.5 5
Disaster and Emergency Management 9 4.5
Electrical Engineering Technology 10.5 5
Electrical Installations Technology 9 4.5
Electronics Engineering Technology 10.5 5
Electronics Engineering Technology Co-op 10.5 5
Engineering Design Technology 10.5 5
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
(previously a Biological Sciences specialization)
10.5 5
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Co-op 10.5 5
Forest Technology 10.5 5
Geoscience Technology
(previously Geological Technology)
10.5 5
Graphic Communications 9 4.5
HVAC Refrigeration Technician 9 4.5
Hospitality Management 9 4.5
Industrial Heavy Equipment Technology 10.5 5
Instrumentation Engineering Technology 10.5 5
Instrumentation Engineering Technology Co-op 10.5 5
Interior Design Technology 10.5 5
IT Business Analysis 9 4.5
IT Business Analysis Co-op 9 4.5
IT Systems Administration 9 4.5
IT Systems Administration Co-op 9 4.5
Landscape Architectural Technology 10.5 5
Laboratory and X-Ray Technology Combined 9 4.5
Laboratory Research and Biotechnology
(previously a Biological Sciences specialization)
9 4.5
Laboratory Research and Biotechnology Co-op 9 4.5
Leadership in Healthcare 6 3.5
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1st Discipline* 9 4.5
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2nd Discipline* 8 4
Materials Engineering Technology 10.5 5
Mechanical Engineering Technology 10.5 5
Medical Laboratory Assisting 10.5 5
Medical Laboratory Technology 10.5 5
Medical Radiologic Technology 9 4.5
Millwork and Carpentry 9 4.5
Nanosystems Engineering Technology 9 4.5
Narrative Cinema Production 9 4.5
Narrative Cinema Production Co-op 9 4.5
Network Engineering Technology 10.5 5
Network Engineering Technology Co-op 10.5 5
Occupational Health and Safety 10.5 5
Open Studies 9 4.5
Optical Sciences - Contact Lenses 12.5 6
Optical Sciences - Eyeglasses 9 4.5
Personal Fitness Trainer 9 4.5
Petroleum Engineering Technology 10.5 5
Photographic Technology 10.5 5
Power Engineering Certificate 10.5 5
Power Engineering Technology 10.5 5
Pre-Employment - Auto Body Repair 9 4.5
Pre-Employment - Automotive Service Technician 12.5 6
Primary Care Paramedic* 9 4.5
Professional Meat Cutting & Merchandising 10.5 5
Radio and Television 10.5 5
Respiratory Therapy 9 4.5
Software Development 9 4.5
Software Development Co-op 9 4.5
Surveying and Geospatial Engineering Technology 10.5 5
Veterinary Technology 10.5 5
Veterinary Medical Assistant 9 4.5
Water and Wastewater Technician 9 4.5
Wireless Systems Engineering Technology 10.5 5
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