Published on August 04, 2020
Dear students,
The fall term is quickly approaching and we are busy getting ready to welcome you back to school! While this year will look different at NAIT, we are working hard to provide you with the best possible student experience. We are incredibly proud of our education, no matter how it is delivered.
By now you have heard from your programs with more about what you can expect this fall. As NAIT’s Vice-President Academic and Provost, I want to share what is important to us as we make plans to safely provide our unique polytechnic education to you.
We are committed to preparing you for your career.
As a leading polytechnic, NAIT has always embraced advances in technology, whether in industry, or in teaching and learning. No matter how it’s delivered, your credential will support your career success in your field.
Your instructors are experts in their industries and are adapting your classes so that—no matter how they are delivered—you will learn what you need to be ready to work in your field. We have online teaching experts at NAIT who are helping your instructors translate their years of industry expertise into engaging and innovative virtual learning for you. And we are ensuring the in-person learning in shops and labs that some students will engage in is done as safely as possible.
As you navigate your virtual or in-person learning this year, there are many people here to support you. Your programs are working hard to make sure you have a great learning experience. Our goals is to ensure you receive the outstanding polytechnic education you expect from NAIT.
We are here to help you succeed.
As we shift to new learning environments and continue to adapt to COVID-19, we know there will be challenges. I want you to know that your instructors, our service teams and NAIT’s leaders are committed to supporting you through this time. Seeing our students succeed is central to what we do and we are keenly aware of how critical this support will be for the upcoming year.
We have many different resources and services at NAIT to support your success. Be sure to access the virtual supports that are available to you, including:
To find out more about how we can support you, I invite you to attend our virtual Student Service Fair this fall. And I encourage you to reach out to NAITSA, NAIT’s student association. They offer incredible resources and supports to our student community as well!
If you are just starting your journey at NAIT, we have a virtual New Student Orientation to provide information, resources and tools to help you be successful as you transition to life as a student. Research tells us that students who engage in orientations like this one are more likely to succeed in their studies.
We are focused on keeping you healthy and safe.
As we continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, the health and safety of the NAIT community is our highest priority. We have dedicated teams bringing NAIT’s strong expertise in emergency management to our phased relaunch.
NAIT is taking a careful, phased approach to our relaunch, and we will deliver classes and services virtually this year, wherever possible. At the same time, we will be offering in-person learning in shops and labs where necessary. Activity on our campuses will continue to be limited to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 following direction from the province.
If you need to come to campus to learn this year, please know we’ve adopted health and safety measures to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19. Each of us has a shared responsibility to maintain a safe learning environment. By working together and doing our part, we can minimize the potential for exposure to COVID-19.
You will receive more information from NAIT and directly from your program.
If you have any questions about your learning for the upcoming year, please reach out directly to your program. You can find more information on NAIT’s relaunch, including information for students, at
Stay safe and I wish you the very best for a successful year. Thank you for choosing NAIT!
Sue Fitzsimmons, Ph.D.
Vice-President Academic and Provost
Our commitment to your success and safety at NAIT
Our commitment to your success and safety at NAIT
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