Students meet industry reps as optimism grows in oil sector
Published on April 10, 2018
Activity and employment on the rise as more than 30 companies meet with NAIT technology students at annual Industry Day
EDMONTON – NAIT students will get an up-close look at the equipment and players in the oil-and-gas industry tomorrow at the Leduc No. 1 Energy Discovery Centre – the birthplace of the modern-day oil industry.
More than 30 companies will be on hand, talking directly to students in Petroleum Engineering Technology, Chemical Engineering Technology and Geological Technology about career options in the field. They’ll be showcasing the latest technologies in fracking, pipelines and bitumen upgrading. Industry activity and job opportunities are on the rise, they say.
The day will include displays of outdoor oil-and-gas equipment, technical presentations and a mixer for students and industry reps.
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (busiest time with the most students onsite is 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.)
Leduc No. 1 Energy Discovery Centre
50339 Highway 60
South Leduc County
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Students meet industry reps as optimism grows in oil sector
Activity and employment on the rise as more than 30 companies meet with NAIT technology students at annual Industry Day
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