Course Overview
You have worked with ArcGIS Pro and now you want to become even more productive; you want to automate repetitive tasks. Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to use ArcGIS Pro with Python to solve problems and build applications.
ArcPy is a site-package that builds on the successful arcgisscripting module. Its goal is to create the cornerstone for a useful and productive way to perform geographic data analysis, data conversion, data management, and map automation with Python. With ArcPy, you have access to all the software tools using Python, and with Python you can write even the most sophisticated scripts and automate your analysis.
Reviewing Model Builder and a Python Primer, the course applies ArcGIS Pro with Python to a wildlife case study that includes many of the tasks that graduates will encounter in ArcGIS Pro and Python programming. Graduates of this course will be able to use ArcGIS Pro with Python to create all the PDF maps you need with a single button click.