Course Overview
Working in Partnership with ASQ, Lean Six Sigma training will bring both Green and Black belt participants together for 2 weeks ensuring consistent Green Belt knowledge in the principles and practices of Lean and Six Sigma. This 2-week Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training teaches and prepares individuals to implement the principles, practices, and techniques of Lean Six Sigma in a support capacity on a Black Belt project team. Green Belts are traditionally Lead process stakeholders and may also be assigned specific process-level improvement projects to conduct on their own—projects that normally do not require the statistical rigor demonstrated by a Black Belt. Each participant is required to have their own current version of Minitab statistical software.
Please note that this course is offered by NAIT in partnership with ASQ. Accordingly, this outline originates from (was created by) ASQ. If you wish to read ASQ’s course outline, please follow this link: