Sidney Fontoura, CET, P.ENG, MBA
Published on February 10, 2020
Sid Fontoura CET P.Eng. MBA graduated with a Mechanical Engineering Technology Diploma from SAIT and an Aeronautical Engineering Technology Diploma from SAIT in 1990. He successfully challenged the academic requirements to get his P.Eng. (without a university degree) in 1997 and then earned an MBA from Athabasca University in 2016 specializing in Canadian Business Law, International Business Law, Supply Chain Management and Strategic Leadership. Sid earned a NAIT Project Leadership Certificate in 2004 and a NAIT Project Management Certificate in 2005, and has been teaching in the program since then.
Sid worked on military aircraft (always as a civilian) for almost 20 years supporting air forces around the world including the Canadian Forces, US Armed Forces, Royal New Zealand Air Force, Spanish Air Force and others. He then sold steel for several years across North America and then became a Manager of Proposals and Project Management for an Edmonton based valve company. Sid is currently the Supply Chain Manager for Cougar Drilling Solutions in Edmonton.
Sid likes doing hands-on renovations, mechanical work and travelling with his family. Sid and his family also enjoy volunteering and helping our community.
Sidney Fontoura, CET, P.ENG, MBA
Sid Fontoura CET P.Eng. MBA graduated with a Mechanical Engineering Technology Diploma from SAIT and an Aeronautical Engineering Technology Diploma from SAIT in 1990.
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