Course Overview
Why is it necessary to take a deliberate approach to managing change, and what is change management? The process of monitoring and leading or assisting change at any level is referred to as “change management.” Management teams need to decide exactly how this change will be addressed develop the process, and decide how to implement it most successfully
Change is something that businesses must deal with frequently. As a result, organizations must modify and revise their business outlook, work roles, and even their overall goals in response to internal and external market drivers and disruptors. Some of these factors include resource constraints and cost pressure, technological advancement, evolving customer needs, environmental sustainability, and global health issues. To remain relevant and competitive, organizations employing change management practices can participate successfully in industry transformations.
The human element of change is addressed through change management. Employees and organizations may never reach their full potential if they don’t take people along, develop a new structure, build new work procedures, and use new technology. A company’s ability to stay in business and serve its clients depends on how fully its employees accept and participate in change. A defined procedure and a collection of tools are used in change management to guide required human resource change toward the desired result. Successful completion of this course will enable students to lead and support individuals in embracing and utilizing change in their regular work activities.