High School Course Equivalencies
Courses listed by province or territory
For applicants who completed high school outside of Alberta, please refer the following lists of Alberta high school courses and their out of province equivalencies to determine whether you meet admission requirements for your NAIT program of choice.
British Columbia
Alberta High School Course |
Equivalent Course |
English 10-1 |
English 10-2 |
English 20-1 |
English 20-2 |
English 30-1 |
- English Studies 12
- English First Peoples 12
- Composition 12
English 30-2 |
Math 10C |
- Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus 10
Math 10-3 |
Math 20-1 |
Math 20-2 |
- Foundations of Mathematics 11
Math 20-3 |
Math 31 |
Math 30-1 |
Math 30-2 |
- Foundations of Mathematics 12
Math 30-3 |
- Apprenticeship Mathematics 12
Science 10 |
Science 20 |
- Earth Sciences 11
- Environmental Science 11
Science 24 |
Science 30 |
- Environmental Sciences 12
- Geology 12
- Specialized Science 12
Biology 20 |
Biology 30 |
- Anatomy and Physiology 12
Chemistry 20 |
Chemistry 30 |
Physics 20 |
Physics 30 |
Social Studies 20-1 |
- Explorations in Social Studies 11
- Francophone History and Culture 11
Social Studies 30-1 |
- 20th Century World History 12
- Asian Studies 12
- BC First Peoples 12
- Comparative Cultures 12
- Comparative World Religions 12
- Contemporary Indigenous Studies 12
- Economic Theory 12
- Genocide Studies 12
- Human Geography 12
- Law Studies 12
- Philosophy 12
- Physical Geography 12
- Political Studies 12
- Social Justice 12
- Urban Studies 12
Alberta High School Course |
Equivalent Course |
English 10-1 |
- English Language Arts A 10 and B 10 (4017 and 4018)
English 20-1 |
- English Language Arts 20 (6017)
English 20-2 |
English 30-1 |
- English Language Arts A 30 and B 30 (8017 and 8018)
English 30-2 |
Math 10C |
- Foundations & Pre-Calculus 10 (4424)
Math 10-3 |
- Workplace & Apprenticeship 10 (4423)
Math 20-1 |
Math 20-2 |
- Math: Foundations 20 (6425)
Math 20-3 |
Math 31 |
Math 30-1 |
Math 30-2 |
- Math: Foundations 30 (8425)
Math 30-3 |
- Math: Workplace & Apprenticeship 30 (8423)
Science 10 |
Science 20 |
Science 30 |
Biology 20 |
- Health Science 20 (6245)
- Environmental Science 20 (6246)
Biology 30 |
Chemistry 20 |
- Physical Science 20 (6247)
Chemistry 30 |
Physics 20 |
- Physical Science 20 (6247)
Physics 30 |
Social Studies 30-1 |
- History 30: Canadian Studies (8306)
- Social Studies 30: Canadian Studies
- Native Studies 30: Canadian Studies (8321)
Alberta High School Course |
Equivalent Course |
English 10-1 |
- English Language Arts (20S)
English 20-1 |
- ELA: Comprehensive Focus (30S)
- ELA: Literary Focus (30S)
- ELA: Transactional Focus (30S)
English 20-2 |
English 30-1 |
- ELA: Comprehensive Focus (40S)
- ELA: Literary Focus (40S)
- ELA: Transactional Focus (40S)
English 30-2 |
- ELA: Language & Technical Communication (40S)
Math 10C |
- Intro to applied & Pre-Calculus Math (20S)
Math 10-3 |
Math 20-1 |
Math 20-2 |
Math 20-3 |
Math 31 |
- Calculus and Advanced Math (45S) & (45S)
Math 30-1 |
Math 30-2 |
- Applied Mathematics (40S)
Math 30-3 |
Science 10 |
Science 20 |
Science 30 |
Biology 20 |
Biology 30 |
Chemistry 20 |
Chemistry 30 |
Physics 20 |
Physics 30 |
Social Studies 30-1 |
- History: Western Civilization (40S)
- Global Issues (40S)
Alberta High School Course |
Equivalent Course |
English 10-1 |
English 10-2 |
English 20-1 |
- English (ENG3U)
- English: Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Voices (NBE3U)
English 20-2 |
- English (ENG3C)
- Canadian Literature (ETC3M)
- English: Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Voices (NBE3C)
English 30-1 |
- English (ENG4U)
- Studies in Literature (ETS4U)
- The Writer’s Craft (EWC4U)
English 30-2 |
- English (ENG4C)
- Studies in Literature (ETS4C)
- The Writer’s Craft (EWC4C)
Math 10C |
- Principles of Mathematics (MPM2D)
- Foundations of Mathematics(MFM2P)
Math 10-3 |
- Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life (MEL3E)
Math 20-1 |
- Functions(MCR3U)
- Functions and Applications (MCF3M)
Math 20-2 |
- Foundations for College Mathematics (MBF3C)
Math 20-3 |
- Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life (MEL4E)
Math 31 |
- Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)
Math 30-1 |
- Advanced Functions (MHF4U)
- Mathematics of Data Management (MDM4U)
Math 30-2 |
- Foundations for College Mathematics (MAP4C)
- Mathematics for College Technology (MCT4C)
Math 30-3 |
Science 10 |
- Science(SNC2D)
- Science(SNC2P)
Science 20 |
- Environmental Science (SVN3M)
Science 24 |
- Science (SNC4E)
Environmental Science (SVN3E)
Science 30 |
- Science (SNC4M)
- Earth and Space Science (SES4U)
Biology 20 |
- Biology (SBI3U)
- Biology (SBI4C)
Biology 30 |
Chemistry 20 |
- Chemistry (SCH3U)
- Chemistry (SCH4C)
Chemistry 30 |
Physics 20 |
- Physics (SPH3U)
- Physics (SPH4C)
Physics 30 |
Social Studies 20-1 |
American History (CHA3U)
Contemporary First Nations, metis, and Inuit Issues and Perspectives (NDA3M)
Gender Studies (HSG3M)
Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology (HSP3U)
Legal Studies (CLN4C)
Origins and Citizenship: The History of a Canadian Ethnic Group (CHE3O)
Philosophy: The Big Questions (HZB3M)
Regional Geography (CGD3M)
Understanding Canadian Law (CLU3M)
World History to the End of the Fifteenth Century (CHW3M)
World History since 1900: Global and Regional Interactions (CHT3O)
World Views and Aspirations of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Communities in Canada (NBV3C)
Social Studies 30-1 |
Canada: History, Identity, and Culture (CHI4U)
Canadian and International Law (CLN4U)
Canadian and International Politics (CPW4U)
Challenge and Change in Society (HSB4U)
Equity and Social Justice: From Theory to Practice (SHE4M)
Philosophy: Questions and Theories (HZT4U)
World Cultures (HSC4M)
World Geography: Urban Patterns and Population Issues (CGU4M)
World History since the Fifteenth Century (CHY4U)
World Issues: A Geographic Analysis (CGW4U)
Alberta High School Course |
Equivalent Course |
English 10-1 |
English 20-1 |
- English Language Arts (536)
- English Language Arts (506)
English 20-2 |
English 30-1 |
- 2 CEGEP Courses in English Literature (603 series)
English 30-2 |
Math 10C |
Math 10-3 |
Math 20-1 |
Math 20-2 |
Math 20-3 |
Math 31 |
- 2 CEGEP Courses in Calculus (series 201)
Math 30-1 |
- 2 CEGEP Courses in Calculus (series201)
Math 30-2 |
- 1 CEGEP Course Math Algebra 1
Math 30-3 |
Science 10 |
Science 20 |
Science 30 |
Biology 20 |
Biology 30 |
- 2 CEGEP Courses in Biology
(101 series)
Chemistry 20 |
Chemistry 30 |
- 2 CEGEP Courses in Chemistry
(202 series)
Physics 20 |
Physics 30 |
- 2 CEGEP Courses in Physics
(203 series)
Social Studies 30-1 |
- 2 CEGEP Courses in History
(330 series)
Northwest Territories
All Alberta high school curriculum courses are the same.
All Alberta highschool curriculum is the same.
Yukon high school curriculum courses are the same as British Columbia. Please refer to the B.C. section at the top of this page.
New Brunswick
Alberta High School Course |
Equivalent Course |
English 20-1 |
English 20-2 |
English 30-1 |
English 30-2 |
Math 10C |
Math 20-1 |
Math 31 |
Math 30-1 |
- Pre-CalculusA120 and B120
- Advance Math with Intro to Calculus 120
- Calculus 121
Math 30-2 |
Science 30 |
- Science 122
- Advance Environment Science 120
Biology 20 |
Biology 30 |
Chemistry 20 |
- Chemistry 111
- Biology 112
Chemistry 30 |
- Chemistry 121
- Chemistry 122
Physics 20 |
Physics 30 |
Social Studies 30-1 |
- Canadian Geography 120
- Canadian History 122
- Canadian Literature 120
- Native Studies 120
- World Issues 120
- Political Science 120
Nova Scotia
Alberta High School Course |
Equivalent Course |
English 10-1 |
English 20-1 |
- English 11
- Advanced English 11
English 30-1 |
- English 12 (Academic)
- English 12: African Heritage
Math 10C |
Math 20-1 |
- Mathematics 11
- Extended Mathematics 11
- Pre-Calculus 11
Math 20-2 |
Math 31 |
Math 30-1 |
- Pre-Calculus Math 12
- Advance Math12
Math 30-2 |
- Math 12(Advanced)
- Math 12(Academic)
Math 30-3 |
Science 10 |
Science 30 |
- Experimental Science 30
- Geology 12
Biology 20 |
- Biology 11
Human Biology 11
Biology 30 |
- Biology 12
Advanced Biology 12
Chemistry 20 |
Chemistry 30 |
- Advanced Chemistry 12
- Chemistry 12
Physics 20 |
Physics 30 |
- Physics 12
- Advanced Physics 12
Social Studies 20-1 |
- African Canadian Studies 11
- Canadian History 11
- History 11
Social Studies 30-1 |
- Global Geography 12
- Global History 12
- Aboriginal Studies 12
- Canadian Literature 12
- Global Politics
Prince Edward Island
Alberta High School Course |
Equivalent Course |
English 10-1 |
English 20-1 |
- ENG 521A-English
- ENG 521B-English
- FRE 521A-French
English 20-2 |
- ENG 571C * (2018-2019)
- ENG 551A-English
- Writing 521A
English 30-1 |
English 30-2 |
Math 10C |
- MAT 421A
- MAT 421B
- Foundations of Mathematics
- Pre-Calculus 10
Math 10-3 |
- MAT 421K- Apprenticeship and workplace Mathematics 10
- MAT 451A Practical Mathematics 10
Math 20-1 |
- MAT 521B - Pre-Calculus 11
- MAT 521E - Pre-Calculus Elective
Math 20-2 |
- MAT 521A -Foundations of Mathematics 11
Math 20-3 |
- MAT 521K - Apprentice and Workplace Mathematics 11
Math 31 |
Math 30-1 |
- MATH 621B - Pre-Calculus 12
Math 30-2 |
- MATH 621A- Foundations of Mathematics 12
Math 30-3 |
- MAT 801A - Applied Mathematics
MAT 621K-Apprentice and Workplace Mathematics 12
Science 10 |
- SCI 421A- Science
- SCI 421B- Science (Pre-IB)
- SCI 431A-Science
Science 30 |
- ENV 621A - Environment Science
Biology 20 |
Biology 30 |
- BIO 621A
- BIO 801A - Human Biology
Chemistry 20 |
Chemistry 30 |
Physics 20 |
Physics 30 |
Social Studies 20-1 |
- SOC 851A - Social Studies
- HIS 521A - History World Survey
- GEO 521A - Global Studies
Social Studies 30-1 |
- ECO 621A - Introductory Economics
- GEO 621A - Global Issue
- GEO 631A - Global Issues
- HIS 621A - Canadian History
- HIS 621B - PEI History
- ECO 621F** GEO621F Global Issues SOC 621F - The Individual in Society
Alberta High School Course |
Equivalent Course |
English 10-1 |
- English 1201
- Francais 1202
English 10-2 |
English 20-1 |
- English 2201
- Francais 2202
English 20-2 |
English 30-1 |
- English 3201
- Francais 3202
English 30-2 |
Math 10C |
Math 10-3 |
Math 20-1 |
Math 20-2 |
Math 20-3 |
Math 31 |
Math 30-1 |
Math 30-2 |
Math 30-3 |
Science 10 |
Science 24 |
Science 30 |
- Earth Systems 3209
- Environmental Science 3205
Biology 20 |
Biology 30 |
Chemistry 20 |
Chemistry 30 |
Physics 20 |
Physics 30 |
Social Studies 20-1 |
- Ethics and Social Justice 2106
Social Studies 30-1 |
- World Geography 3200 or 3202
- World History 3201
- World Religions 3101 or 3106
There may be additional elective high school courses that can be used to satisfy admission requirements for the following NAIT programs. Please refer to the PDF below for additional details on high school course equivalencies.
Out of Province High School Equivalencies PDF (306 KB)
If your course does not appear on the equivalencies PDF, we can only determine if it meets program requirements after you submit an application and it is assessed for admission.